Publishing Your Website with Dreamweaver CS5

After building your website with Adobe Dreamweaver®, you can publish it to your hosting account.

Publishing your website with Dreamweaver CS5 requires you to complete two tasks:

  1. Define a "Site" — Tells Dreamweaver where to find the files for your website on your computer and how to connect to your hosting account
  2. Put Your Files — Moves your "Site's" files from your computer to your hosting account, making them accessible to visitors going to your domain name in a Web browser

Publishing Your Website with Dreamweaver CS5

  1. From the Site menu, select New Site.

  2. Enter a Site Name, and then select your Local Site Folder.

  3. Click Servers, and then click Add new Server.

  4. Complete the following fields, and then click Save:
  5. From the File menu, select the files or folders to publish, and then click Put Files.

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