Add Business Registration to my domain

You can add Business Registration to most domain names in your account.

Note: Some domain name registries, primarily for country-code extensions like .us and, do not allow business registration if it's purchased in a bundle with private registration.

  1. Log in to your My Products page.
  2. If you aren't automatically directed there, make sure to select the My Products tab:
  3. My products tab

  4. Click Manage All:
  5. Manage All

  6. You must be in the Advanced List View of your account in order to add Business Registration. In the upper right corner, choose Advanced List View:
  7. Advanced list view icon
  8. Select the domain name you want to upgrade.
  9. Click the Upgrade icon from the top menu.
  10. From the Registration tab, click Add next to Business Registration.
  11. Click Checkout and then complete the checkout process.

To manage your Business Registration after purchase, see Managing Your Business Registration Profile.