Listing an item on eBay

To sell a product or service on eBay®, you must first sign up with eBay and then "list" the item. Quick Shopping Cart® makes it easy to prepare all the necessary listing information and submit it to eBay. For information on signing up with eBay, see Working With eBay Auction Manager.

eBay offers a number of services designed to help you better present your items. Some of these services are fee-based and can add to the listing fee. Services that incur an additional fee are noted on the page.

To List an Item on eBay

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click Quick Shopping Cart.
  3. In the Quick Shopping Cart list, click Manage next to the Quick Shopping Cart account you want to use.
  4. From the Promote menu, in the Visibility section, select eBay Auction Manager.
  5. From the Tasks menu, select List Item on eBay.
  6. In the Title, Category & Description section, complete the following:
    Auction Type
    Select either Online auction (if you want shoppers to bid for the item) or Fixed-Price auction (if you want to set the selling price for your items). Fixed-Price auctions are subject to eligibility requirements. For more information on Fixed-Price auctions, see Listing as Fixed-Price Auctions.
    Part Number
    Select the part number you created for this item when you first entered the product into your catalog.
    Item Title
    Enter a title for your item listing.
    Click Choose Category to select a primary category from a list of existing categories and subcategories.

    Note: In certain categories, you can enter custom item specifics. For example, if you select the category path of Women's Clothing > Swimwear and do not see the brand you want to select, you can select Other and then enter a custom brand name.

    List in second Category? (Additional Fee)
    Click Choose Category to select a secondary category from a list of existing categories and subcategories.
    Enter the full description of your item.
    Item Location
    Select the location where the item is physically located, or click New Item Location to add a location to your eBay Auction Manager.
    Select a picture type for the item (Small, Large, or Zoom).
  7. In the Pricing & Duration section, complete the following:
    Select the time frame that you want your auction to span.
    Starting Price
    Enter a starting price for the item.
    Reserve Price (Incurs Fee)
    (Optional) Enter a reserve price for the item. A Reserve Price lets you establish a minimum price that must be met before you sell the item. This information is not disclosed to bidders. If a bidder does not meet the reserve price, you are not obligated to sell your item.
    Buy It Now Price (Incurs Fee)
    (Optional) Enter a Buy It Now price for the auction. The Buy It Now price is the price for which you are willing to immediately sell the item. If a bidder agrees to your Buy It Now price before any other bids are placed, the auction ends and the bidder wins the auction.
  8. In the Quantity section, complete the following:
    I am selling
    Select either Individual Items or Lot. A lot is a group of items being offered as a single item for sale.
    Number of items
    Enter the number of items or number of lots you are making available for the auction.
    Counter Style
    Select the style of counter that you want to display on your auction's listing page. This counter tracks the number of visits to your auction's listing page.
  9. Optional: In the Item Visibility section, you may complete the following:

    Note: Some of these options may incur additional fees.

    Gallery options
    Select No Gallery picture, Gallery (incurs fee), which displays a picture of your item along with the listing when buyers browse categories and search for items, or Gallery Featured (incurs fee), which displays a picture of your item in the special Featured section above the general Picture Gallery.
    Make your listing stand out (incurs fee)
    Optional: Select Bold, Border, and/or Highlight to add formatting to your listing.
    Promote your listing on eBay (incurs fee)
    Optional: Select Featured Plus! to display your item in the Featured Items section of its category. Select Home Page Featured to rotate your listing into a special display on eBay's Home page.
    Gift Services
    Select if you are offering Gift wrap/gift card, Express Shipping, or Ship to gift recipient with your listing (cost and details should be listed in the item description).
  10. In the Shipping section, complete the following:
    Enable Shipping
    Select either Will Ship or Will not ship - local pickup only.
    Ship-to Locations
    Select all that apply for your shipping location options (Worldwide, Americas, Europe, Asia, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico, Germany, Japan).
    Shipping Cost
    Select Flat to offer a flat rate for each shipping service you offer, or Calculated to calculate shipping based on the package and the buyer's address.
    Domestic Shipping
    Select up to three shipping providers and enter a cost for each.
    International Shipping
    Select up to three shipping providers and enter a cost for each.
    Shipping Insurance
    Select an option for shipping insurance (Not Offered, Optional, Required, or Included in S&H).
    Sales Tax
    Select a state for sales tax calculation, or select No sales tax.
  11. In the Payment section, complete the following:
    Select PayPal, and then enter an email address for payment notification.
    Other payment methods
    Select other payment methods that you accept (Money Order/Cashier's Check, Personal Check).
    Merchant credit cards
    Select credit cards that you accept (Visa/Mastercard, Discover, American Express).
    Payment Instructions
    Enter instructions to assist your buyers with selecting payment and shipping options.

    Note: There is a 500 character limit for payment instructions.

  12. If you want to accept returns, in the Return Policy section, next to Accept Returns, select Yes, and then enter your return policy information.
  13. Click List Item.