Adding visibility features

Using the Quick Shopping Cart eBay Auction Manager, you can set specific options to increase the visibility of the items you place on eBay.

Note: Visibility options are optional and subject to additional charges.

To Add Visibility Features to Your Gallery Items

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click Quick Shopping Cart.
  3. In the Quick Shopping Cart list, click Manage next to the Quick Shopping Cart account you want to use.
  4. From the Promote menu, in the Visibility section, select eBay Auction Manager.
  5. From the Tasks menu, select List Item on eBay.
  6. If necessary, expand the Item Visibility section.
  7. In the Item Visibility section, you may complete the following:

    Note: Some of these options may incur additional fees.

    Gallery options
    Select one of the follow items:
    No Gallery picture - Displays no gallery image.
    Gallery (Incurs fee) - Displays a picture of your item along with the listing when buyers browse categories and search for items.
    Gallery Featured (Incurs fee) - Displays a picture of your item in the special Featured section above the general Picture Gallery.
    Make your listing stand out
    To add formatting to your listing, select any or all of the following options:
    Bold, Border, and/or Highlight (each option incurs a fee).
    Promote your listing on eBay
    Select Featured Plus! to display your item in the Featured Items section of its category (Incurs fee).
    Select Home Page Featured to rotate your listing into a special display on eBay's Home page (Incurs fee).
    Gift Services
    Select the appropriate option if you are offering:
    Gift wrap/gift card, Express Shipping, or Ship to gift recipient.
  8. Click List Item.