Uninstall the Desktop Tool

You can uninstall the Workspace Desktop Tools from your PC or Mac®. Uninstalling Workspace Desktop Tools removes Email Notifier, Online Storage backups, and Drive Map from your computer.

To Uninstall Workspace Desktop Tools on a PC

  1. From the Start menu, select Control Panel.
  2. In your Control Panel, double-click Add or Remove Programs. For Windows® 7 users, this option is Programs and Features.
  3. In the Add or Remove Programs window, select Workspace Desktop from your list of currently installed programs.
  4. Click Uninstall.
  5. Optional: Select Remove related user data and settings to remove all settings, backups and syncs, and account information when uninstalling Workspace Desktop Tools.
  6. Click Uninstall or Cancel.

To Uninstall Workspace Desktop Tools on a Mac

  1. Open Finder.
  2. Click on your Macintosh HD.
  3. Go to Applications, and then click on the Workspace folder.
  4. Double-click Uninstall.App.
  5. Optional: Select Remove related user data and settings to remove all settings, backups and syncs, and account information when uninstalling Workspace Desktop Tools.
  6. Click Uninstall or Cancel.

Note: When you uninstall Workspace Desktop Tools, your personal data settings are not affected.