Setting up free shipping

Quick Shopping Cart® lets you offer free shipping, which can be a great way to promote your store.

You can offer free shipping to customers who make a minimum purchase amount or to those who buy from your store during a time period you specify. You can also designate members at your store who will receive free shipping at any time.

When you do not enable shipping options, then the sub-total for the order does not include a shipping charge. This option lets you employ a business model that includes shipping in the total cost of the product. If you normally charge for shipping but want to offer free shipping as a promotional tool, you must first enable United States Postal Service, UPS, FedEx, or Custom shipping.

For more information on these shipping options, see the following articles:
Using U.S. Postal Service

Offering UPS Shipping Options for Your Quick Shopping Cart® Customers
Enabling FedEx Shipping Options in Quick Shopping Cart
Setting Custom Options for Price-Based Shipping

Setting Free Shipping by Date or Minimum Purchase

Setting Free Shipping by Designated Member