Capturing payments in bulk

To receive funds for credit card purchases from your Quick Shopping Cart® storefront, you need to accept, or "capture," the payment from the Manage Orders page.

You can capture payments individually or in bulk.

For details on processing credit card payments individually, see Processing Credit Card Payments.


WARNING: If you do not complete the capture payment process for each credit card purchase, you will not receive the funds.

To Capture Payments in Bulk

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. In the My Products section, click Quick Shopping Cart.
  3. On the Quick Shopping Cart page, click Manage next to the Quick Shopping Cart account you want to use.
  4. From the Manage menu, in the Orders section, select Manage Orders.
  5. Select the transactions you want to capture and click Capture Funds.

    Note: The Capture Funds button only appears for credit card orders in one of three states: Ready, In Progress, or New."

  6. A yellow information box displays the capture success status.

Once the capture process is complete, the list displays the changed payment status. If the capture fails, the transaction highlights in yellow and you'll be prompted to click Edit to check the status.

Note: All credit cards that you select to accept in your Quick Shopping Cart must be configured for acceptance in your Merchant Account. Otherwise, your customers may be able to select a credit card that your Merchant Account does not accept.