Turn off auto renew

If you don't want to cancel a product or domain but want to make sure it doesn't renew, you can turn off auto renew.

Warning: You cannot cancel or turn off auto renew if you have privacy on your domain. You must cancel private registration first, and then cancel auto renewal.

Note: If your product already auto renewed, you might be able to cancel it and get a refund.

  1. Log in to your HostingDude.com account.
  2. From the upper left corner, click the Account settings menu, and then select Renewals & Billing:
  3. Renewals and Billing

  4. Select the product or domain you want to cancel auto renewal for, and then click Cancel Renewal:
  5. Cancel auto renew

  6. Confirm that you want to cancel your renewal by clicking the red Cancel renewal button that appears. If you see an error message or are unable to cancel your auto-renewal, make sure to check that you've canceled private registration on your domain first. You will not be able to cancel your auto-renewal unless you've canceled private registration.

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