Sending from these addresses will cause bounces

If you try sending from a Yahoo, Gmail, AOL, or email address in Email Marketing, you're going to see a lot of bounces. If you try to use one of these addresses as your From address you may see a warning:

Sending from this email address will cause bounces at most major ISPs and is not recommended.

Note: ISP stands for Internet Service Provider, and means pretty much anyone who provides internet and email inboxes for people.

Even if you don't see that warning, you can't use a Yahoo, Gmail, AOL, or email address as your From address for any regular campaign, RSS email, autoresponder, or signup form activation message. You need to use a different email address as the From address on any outgoing mailing.

If you don’t have another email address handy, you have options. Having your own domain-based email address< is one of the best ways to look professional to your customers. And you'll never be at the whim of the free email providers' policy decisions. You can also set up email forwarding right to your old address, to ease the transition to your new one.

The reason you can't use a Yahoo, Gmail, AOL, or email address is something called a DMARC Validation Policy; something that every email provider has. If that provider changes their policy to p=reject, then you can't use that email address as the From address, except when sending through them. Which means you can't use it as the From address at any email marketing service, like Email Marketing. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about this -- it's a decision made by those email providers to reduce abusive behavior, and protect their users.

Note: The From address on your mailing is different than your account log in email address. Read more about the From address, under Details tab.

If you want, you can keep your Yahoo, Gmail, AOL, or email address as your account log in. This is the email address that we will contact you through, for anything related to your Email Marketing account.

Next step

  • Change your From address to another email address, before you send.

More info