Back up and Restore SQL Server Databases

Some of the information in this article is advanced material we make available as a courtesy. Please be advised that you are responsible for properly following the procedures below. Customer Support cannot assist with these topics.

The following procedures will work for both MSDE and MS SQL Server databases.

To Back Up Databases

  1. Remote desktop to your Windows dedicated server.
  2. Create a backup folder in a convenient location, like the one below:
  3. From the command line, run the following:
    osql -E
  4. At the numbered prompts, run the following commands to return the names of all existing databases:
    SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE DBID > 4
  5. For each database you want to back up, run the following two commands, substituting the appropriate database name, database backup name, and backup folder:
    backup database [database name] to disk = 'c:[backup folder][database backup name].bak'

The backup database files now reside in the specified folder.

To Restore Databases

  1. Remote desktop to your Windows dedicated server.
  2. From the command line, run the following:
    osql -E
  3. At the numbered prompts, run the following commands, substituting the appropriate database name, database backup name, and backup folder:
    restore database [database name] from disk = 'c:[backup folder][database backup name].bak' with replace, file=1, nounload, stats=10