About .sg Domains

The .sg country-code top-level domain name (ccTLD) is an extension that represents Singapore.

Domain names can be up to 63 characters, with a minimum of two characters, and can contain letters (a to z), numbers (0 to 9), and hyphens (except at the beginning or end of the domain name). You cannot register domain names with special characters such as & and #.

Note: Registrants do not have the right to sell or transfer .sg domains to any party for profit.

Features Availability
Who can register? Details below1
Registration length 1 and 2 years
Renewal length 1 year
Renewal restrictions Details below2
Nameserver requirements Details below3
Transfers to HostingDude.com Not supported
Transfers away Supported (details below)4
Private registration Not supported
Protected registration Not supported
Backorders Not supported
Bulk registration Supported
Account change Not supported
Contact updates Supported (details below)5
IDNs Not supported
Expiration/redemption Please contact customer support
Refund policy See below6
Registry SGNIC


1 Registration requirements

To purchase a .sg domain, you must live in Singapore, be a citizen of the country and have a "Foreign Identification Number" (FIN).

Note: The "Foreign Identification Number", or FIN, can also referred to as the "National Registration Identity Card," or NRIC. Either one is the admin ID you will use when registering .sg domains. It's important to note that both the admin ID and BID (Business Registration #) fields are case sensitive.

2 Renewal restrictions

Renewals can only be requested if the current registration time on the domain is less than 2 years out. That is, if the domain's current expiration date is less than 2 years in the future, a renewal request can be made. If the domain name's current expiration date is set for more than 2 years in the future, then a renewal request cannot be submitted.

There is no manual renewal or auto-renewal grace period.

Note: It can take up to 5 days for .SG domains to be active after renewal.

3 Nameservers requirements

Nameserver features Details
IPv4 Supported
IPv6 Not supported
DNSSEC Not supported
Maximum Length of nameservers 185 characters, not including domain name
Minimum # of nameservers 2
Maximum # of nameservers 13

If the DNS is not resolving and there are no apparent problems, do a Whois lookup at the Registry. If there are any pending contact verifications, the Registry will not allow the domain name to resolve (pending contact verifications are daily instructional emails from the registry to the the admin contact).

NS updates can take up to 5 days to complete.

4 Transfer away requirements

You must initiate the transfer through your new registrar. The transfer will require an authorization code, which our customer support team can email to you.

5 Contact updates requirements

To change the registrant or admin information on your .sg domain name, please contact our support department. All other contact information can be changed through the Domain Manager in your HostingDude.com account.

Note: HostingDude.com does not manage contact verification for .sg domains - it's handled by the SGNIC registry, and they will contact you directly.

6 Refund policy

For details on refunds, please visit HostingDude.com's Refund Policy page.

Most domains will follow the Standard Terms, but certain domains will have exceptions or may not be refundable at all. Look under BOTH of the following categories:

  • Products with Special Refund Terms (look under Domain Name Registrations/Renewals)
  • Products Not Eligible for Refunds