About .ZONE Domain Names

.ZONE is the perfect domain for anyone who wants to establish a following online based on shared passions. Whatever your focus — sports, entertainment, technology, location — .ZONE is where it’s at.

The following dates apply to the .ZONE launch plan:


Trademark Holder (Sunrise)
Start Date: 2/18/14 at 16:00 UTC (9:00 a.m. AZ Time)
End Date: 4/19/14 at 16:00 UTC (9:00 a.m. AZ Time)

Early Access (Landrush)
Launch: 4/23/14 at 16:00 UTC (9:00 a.m. AZ Time)

General Availability
Launch: 4/30/14 at 16:00 UTC

For .ZONE pricing, Cheapest .zone Domains.