Reseller Pricing Terms

When working with pricing in the Reseller Control Center, there are a few terms you need to understand. You will encounter these terms when setting pricing inside the Reseller Control Center and on commission reports.

Minimum Retail Price - The lowest possible price you can charge customers without opting in to special promotions or making them discount shoppers.

Note: For more information, see When should I use promotions on my Reseller storefront? and Managing Discount Pricing for Your Reseller Customers.

Suggested Retail Price - Recommended pricing based off of market research for similar products and services.

Your Retail - The retail price you set for a product or service.

Your Sale - A special price you set when running a sale for a specific time period.

Note: The Base Buy Rate does not change when sales are enabled, which means you earn less commission.

Sale Start - The date the sale automatically starts. Once the sale is live, the retail price is crossed out and the sale price displays ($12.99 SALE $9.99).

Sale End - The date the sale automatically stops and pricing returns to the retail value.

Base Buy Rate - The wholesale cost of the product.

Retail Profit - Profit estimated by subtracting the Base Buy Rate from the Retail Price. For example: Retail Price $50.00 - Base Buy Rate $30.00 = Retail Profit $20.00.

Sale Profit - Profit estimated by subtracting the Base Buy Rate from the Sale Price. For example: Sale Price $45.00 - Base Buy Rate $30.00 = Retail Profit $15.00.

CC Fees - Stands for Credit Card Fees. A 2.5 percent fee applied to each item purchased. This is an umbrella term that also applies when customers pay with PayPal® and checks.

Transaction Fee - A $0.25 fee applied to each order no matter then number of items purchased.