Subscribing to your Website and Gallery

Warning: This information applies to Website Builder accounts purchased after March 10, 2011. To verify the date of your purchase see Find your receipts.

Using RSS, anyone can subscribe to your Website Builder site and photo galleries to receive updated content.

RSS is a Web content syndication format that you can use to subscribe to websites, such as news sites and blogs. Subscription content is updated in real time, so when someone updates a website you've subscribed to, the update displays in your RSS reader. Depending on the RSS reader you use, new content either displays in its entirety or in a condensed version of the entry.

To Subscribe to your Website and Gallery in Website Builder

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. Click Website Builder.
  3. In your Website Builder Account list, click Manage next to the account you want to modify.
  4. Click Photos and Videos, and then click Home.
  5. Go to the name of the gallery to which you want to subscribe, click Share and then click the RSS Feed icon.
  6. Click the Subscribe to hyperlink, where is the name of your gallery.