Converting an Exported PFX Code Signing File to PVK and SPC Files using Windows

Once the code signing certificate has been installed on your browser, you can export it and and convert it for subsequent use. This process requires exporting the certificate file in PFX format, and then converting it into two files: PVK and SPC. Here's how:

Step 1 — Exporting the Installed Code Signing Certificate

see Exporting a Code Signing Certificate from Internet Explorer or Firefox or Exporting a Code Signing Certificate from Internet Explorer or Firefox for information to export the PFX file.

Step 2 — Converting the PFX File to PVK and SPC Files

Before You Begin: You need the following tools installed. Use the links to download the tools, if needed:
OpenSSL — Click here to install OpenSSL, here to download compiled binaries directly from the OpenSSL website, or consult help for your operating system's package management feature.
PVK Transform Utility — Click here to download a copy of the utility.

To Convert the PFX File to PVK and SPC Files

This procedure extracts your key file and converts it to a PVK file, then extracts your certs file and converts it to an SPC file. Then you can use these files with other software tools.

  1. At the command prompt, type and enter the following, and then press Enter. Replace inf.pfx with your exported PFX file name and outf.pem with the desired PEM file name. Enter your PFX password when prompted:
    openssl pkcs12 -in inf.pfx -nocerts -nodes -out outf.pem
  2. At the command prompt, type and enter the following, and then press Enter. Replace inf.pem with the PEM file name created in Step 1 and outf.pvk with the desired PVK file name:
    pvk -in inf.pem -topvk -out outf.pvk
  3. At the command prompt, type and enter the following, and then press Enter. Replace inf.pfx with your exported PFX file name and outf.pem with the desired PEM file name. Enter your PFX password when prompted:
    openssl pkcs12 -in inf.pfx -nokeys -out outf.pem
  4. At the command prompt, type and enter the following, and then press Enter. Replace inf.pem with the PEM file created in Step 3 and outf.spc with the desired SPC file name.
    openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile inf.pem -outform DER -out outf.spc