Leave a product suggestion

You can open a suggestion form for the product that you are working in from the header. To submit a suggestion, you may need to log in to the product first.

  1. Log in to your Web-Based Email, Calendar, Online Storage, or Fax Thru Email account.(Need help logging in?).
  2. Click the Feedback hyperlink.
  3. Click Product Suggestions.
  4. In the Suggestions field, enter your product suggestion.

    Note: We automatically open a suggestion form for the product you are using. For example, if you access the Feedback menu from your email account, we open a Web-Based Email Suggestion form.

  5. Select Email or Phone for your Contact Preference.
  6. (Optional) In the Email Address field, enter your email address.
  7. (Optional) In the Phone Number field, enter your telephone number.
  8. Click Submit.