Viewing Graphs in CashParking

On the Dashboard of your CashParking account, you can quickly view graphs for daily revenue, impressions, clicks, RPM, and CTR generated over the last 30 days.

To View Graphs in CashParking

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click CashParking.
  3. Next to the account you want to use, click Manage.
  4. To view the graph, click one of the following tabs:
  5. Revenue
    The amount of revenue generated over the last 30 days.
    The number of times visitors saw advertisements on your domains over the last 30 days.
    The number of times visitors clicked advertisements on your domains over the last 30 days.
    The average revenue generated for each 1000 impressions of advertisements on your CashParking page.
    The relative number of times visitors clicked advertisements on your domains over the last 30 days.