Defining terms and conditions

The Quick Shopping Cart Terms and Conditions page is a separate, non-product page. To view the Terms and Conditions page of your Quick Shopping Cart storefront, visitors click the Terms and Conditions hyperlink.

To Create Terms and Conditions

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click Quick Shopping Cart.
  3. In the Quick Shopping Cart list, click Manage next to the Quick Shopping Cart account you want to use.
  4. From the Set Up menu, in the Business Information area, select Terms & Conditions.
  5. From the Terms & Conditions list, select the notices that you want to include on your Storefront Terms and Conditions page.

    Note: Within each selected notice, you can enter your own information or click "Default Terms" to use the default verbiage for that notice. You can then click "Verify" to ensure that the displayed code meets XHTML standards.

  6. Click Save.

Note: The Terms and Conditions page is required and always displays on the storefront. If you do not select any notices to include on the page, the page displays without any accompanying legal notices.