Why is the wrong image showing when sharing my website on social media?

When sharing a website online, the image displayed from your website is chosen using Open Graph tags. These are custom meta tags that allow you to tell any social media site exactly what image you would like to have shown. If these tags are not added to your site, the social media provider will take its best guess as to what image they should use.

The code you want to use for sharing is “og:image". This tag contains the URL of the image that appears when you share your site online. An example of this tag looks like this:

meta property="og:image" content="https://help.hostingdude.com/images/wsi1_pc_img_1_trademark_nonregistered_website-logo.png"

You should also make sure to use images that are at least 1200 x 630 pixels for the best display on high resolution devices.

Note: As a courtesy, we provide information about how and when to use certain third-party codes, but we do not directly support third-party coding and we are not responsible for the functions or reliability of such code.

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