Find and replace with a WordPress plugin

The easiest option for replacing data within your WordPress database is to use a plugin. They're useful for changing the domain, or any other information for your WordPress site. A common plugin used for this is Search & Replace by Inpsyde.

  1. Log in to WordPress.
  2. Search for and install the Search & Replace plugin.
  3. Activate the plugin.
  4. Go to Tools > Search & Replace.
  5. Under the Backup Database tab, click on Create SQL File.

    Note: This will create a backup of your database before making any changes.

  6. Pick a set of steps based on what you need to replace:

    Change WordPress domain URL

    1. Click on the Replace Domain URL tab.
    2. Enter your new domain into the 'Replace with' field.
    3. Click Do Replace Domain/Url.

    Replace other data

    1. Click on the Search & Replace tab.
    2. Fill out the 'Search for' field with the data you want replaced.
    3. Fill out the 'Replace with' field with the new data.
    4. Click Do Search & Replace.

More info