Connecting to a MySQL Database Using File DSN and ASP/ADO

This example describes using File DSN and ASP/ADO to connect to a MySQL Database.

Replace the db_ fields with the information for your database from the Hosting Control Panel. For more information, see Find your connection strings for more information.

Dim oConn, oRs
Dim qry, connectstr, sDSNDir
Dim db_name, db_username, db_userpassword
Dim db_server, dsn_name

dsn_name = "your_dsn_name"
fieldname = "your_fieldname"
tablename = "your_tablename"

sDSNDir = Server.MapPath("_dsn")

connectstr = "filedsn=" & sDSNDir & "\" & dsn_name

Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
oConn.Open connectstr
qry = "SELECT * FROM " & tablename

Set oRS = oConn.Execute(qry)

if not oRS.EOF then
while not oRS.EOF
response.write ucase(fieldname) & ": " & oRs.Fields(fieldname) & "
end if

Set oRs = nothing
Set oConn = nothing
