Using the CGI Form-Mailer

You can use the CGI form mailer depending on the type of hosting account you have. For more information, see What type of hosting account do I have?

Note: These scripts are no longer being supported by

Note: The cgi directory of your hosting account is reserved for cgi scripts. Do not upload the HTML file that contains your Web form to the cgi directory.

Remember to specify the email address you want to use with the form-mailer in your account manager. For more information, see Specifying an Email Address for the CGI Form-Mailer.

To Use the CGI Form-Mailer

  1. Create your Web form and assign unique names to your form items.

    Note: TIP: Our form-mailer script sorts the names of your form items alphabetically when it composes the email message. The order of precedence is: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers.

  2. Type "/cgi/gdform.cgi" as the form action line. For example:
  3. Type "post" as the form method.
  4. In addition to the fields you create in your form, the following fields must be included:
    • Subject — This field controls the subject line in the form email.
    • Redirect — This field controls the page that your visitors will see after they submit the form.
    • Email — This field controls the return address for the form email.

    Here's an example:

    First Name:

    Last Name:



  5. Save and upload your form to your hosting account.

If you are using a secondary domain name (Manage hosting account domains), your redirect should point to:


where /folder is the folder on your hosting account you use for the site and thankyou.html is the file you want to redirect visitors to.

For information on reinstalling your default scripts, see Reinstalling the Default Scripts Directory on Linux Shared Hosting.