Verify my certificate request (Standard Assurance)

After you request a Standard Assurance SSL certificate, we verify that you control the domain name in your request by checking your account and publicly available records in the WHOIS database.

We also request some customers manually verify that they control their domain names. For information on that process, see Verify domain ownership (HTML or DNS).

How long does the process take?

Usually the verification process takes less than 1 business day. However, manual verification processes are dependent on the user completing the task.

Need help?

If you're looking for help understanding what we need you to do next, you can find our support number in your SSL control panel. It displays on the right under the progress indicator.

Next step

After verifying you control the domain name, your next step depends on where you're using the certificate:

Location Next step
VPS or dedicated server you control Download my SSL certificate files
Any other product We'll finish the SSL installation for you as long as the SSL is on the primary domain of the hosting product.