Operating Systems Compatibility and Hosting Quick-Install Applications

Value applications are compatible with either Windows or Linux operating systems. PHP 5 is enabled for all Linux hosting accounts. PHP 5 is enabled for Windows hosting accounts running IIS 7, only. If the value application you attempt to install is incompatible with your hosting account operating system, you can either purchase a new hosting account with the appropriate operating system or migrate your existing account.

For information on migrating an existing hosting account, see Switching your hosting account operating system.

Below is a description of our hosting account operating system options:


Windows runs Microsoft software such as Access and MS SQL databases. Windows servers also offer Web developers the use of Microsoft's programming environments such as Active Server Pages (ASP), Visual Basic Scripts, and MS Index Server.


Linux supports a wide range of software, applications, languages, and databases. However, Linux is not fully compatible with some Microsoft technologies. If you are already using Access databases, ASP, ASP.NET, MS SQL, or VB development tools, then Windows hosting is a better choice.

Note: In IIS 7, Value Applications applications requiring PHP 5 can not be installed on sub-domains or aliased domains which point to sub-directories.