Display options for comparing mailing statistics

For the pages that show multiple mailings, simultaneously, you have different options for how to view the data. These two pages are:

The default display is in Scaled View. This plots all stats scaled to 100%. So you can compare the types of stats equally between all three campaigns, regardless of whether they were sent to the same amount of people.

But you can click on the % button at the top to view the stats displayed in Percent View. This view compares the percentages of all stats to each other. So a campaign with a 100% engagement rate would exceed other compared mailings, even if it was sent to the smallest list.

The No. button will display the Actual Number View. Here we're comparing the actual number of contacts that viewed, engaged, bounced, etc. So a campaign sent to the most people will overtake the display as the largest bar on the graph.

You can also click through all of the tabs of the different metrics, to compare any stat type between the mailings: accepted, bounced, viewed, engaged, shared, growth, forwards, and marked as spam.