How do I clear my outgoing mail queue on my Windows server with Mailenable?

Some of the information in this article is advanced material we make available as a courtesy. Please be advised that you are responsible for properly following the procedures below. Customer Support cannot assist with these topics.

To clear your outgoing mail queue on your Windows server with Mailenable:

  1. Log in to your Windows Server Remote Desktop as "administrator"
  2. Expand the MailEnable Management directory.
  3. Expand servers.
  4. Expand localhost and select Connectors.
  5. From one of your Connectors, select Queues.
  6. Select the Inbound or Outbound queue and wait for it to populate.
  7. To clear the queue, remove the files.

Note: If Mailenable freezes when populating the queue, you may have too many files and must remove the files via command line.