About .ONL Domain Names

The .onl domain name originates from the abbreviation of "online," and is unique in that search engines actually identify it as "online" to show relevant search results. For most users, .onl will be the ultimate display of all things internet-related, from growing a small business to helping build out a community to creating a distinct personal space.

General Availability

Registration Information

Who can register .onl domain names?

Which registry controls .onl domain names?

For how long can I register .onl domain names?

When do .onl domain names renew?

Can I transfer .onl domain names to my account with you?

Can I transfer .onl domain names from you to another registrar?

Can I add privacy and protection to .onl domain names?

Can I backorder .onl domain names?

Can I move .onl domain names to another account with you?

Can I update the contact information for .onl domain names?

Are there nameserver requirements for my .onl domain names?